Move hearts and minds

Stunning web content, editorials, reports, proposals, and more —
no web design skills required.

No credit card required

No code required

Say goodbye to developer bottlenecks and escalating costs with our human-friendly story editor.

Magical layouts

Say goodbye to developer bottlenecks and escalating costs with our human-friendly story editor.

On brand

Say goodbye to developer bottlenecks and escalating costs with our human-friendly story editor.

Built for speed

Shorthand eliminates web design complexity so you can focus on your message. No matter what you’re creating, you can do it fast, no web design or development skills required.

The world's leading brands trust Shorthand

From Fortune 500 to freelancer, you’ll be in great company!

The world's leading brands trust Shorthand

From Fortune 500 to freelancer, you’ll be in great company!

High-end visual content at scale

From annual reports to high-volume publishing, Shorthand scales across your organisation, while ensuring your brand is represented consistently everywhere.

We are enterprise-ready, with ISO27001 certification and SOC2 compliance.

Get better results

Delight your readers — and your KPIs, whatever your metric. Increase engagement, audience loyalty, and click-through rate. Shorthand is a proven solution for content creation.

The world's leading brands trust Shorthand

See how some of the world’s most recognised brands use Shorthand to build engaging interactive content.

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

The world's leading brands trust Shorthand

See how some of the world’s most recognised brands use Shorthand to build engaging interactive content.

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

News & feature stories

Delight your readers — and your KPIs, whatever your metric. Increase engagement, audience loyalty, and click-through rate. Shorthand is a proven solution for content creation.

Nick Bennett | Honda UK

Shorthand is just a one-stop shop for us. A designer can create a great story without any knowledge of code.

Aaron Wood | Stuff

The world's leading brands trust Shorthand





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